Hummingbird & Butterfly Garden Mix – Item #3941


Enjoy a beautiful garden that blooms all summer long. This mix of easy-to-grow annuals and perennials attracts both hummingbirds and butterflies with fragrance and brilliant colors.

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Additional information

Weight 1 g
Dimensions .125 × 3.25 × 4.5 in

Planting & Harvesting

Seed Depth: 1/4″ (6mm)

Spacing: scatter

Sprouts In: 7-21 days

Thinning: thin as required

Plant fall to spring in mild climates and early spring in colder areas. Remove weeds and grass from the planting area. Loosen soil with a rake or shovel. Scatter seeds thinly over area. Lightly rake seeds into top 1/4″ of soil. Keep evenly moist until seeds germinate. A light mulch may help in dry areas.

10% Perennial Lupine, 9% Siberian Wallflower, 9% Candytuft, 7% Rocket Larkspur-Imperial Mix, 7% Gayfeather, 6% Purple Coneflower, 6% Blanket Flower, 6% Spurred Northern Lights Snapdragon, 5% Cornflower, 5% Lance Leaved Coreopsis, 5% Indian Blanket, 5% Clasping Coneflower. Less than 5% each for a total combined mix of 20%: CA Orange Poppy, Blue Flax, Sweet Alyssum, Black-Eyed Susan, Tetra Mix Snapdragon, Butterfly Milkweed, Godetia, Plains Coreopsis, Lemon Mint, Scarlet Sage.

Additional Information

Botanical Name: Mixed varieties

Height: 12-30″ (30-76cm)

Bloom Period: summer

Type: annual/perennial