Lovage – Item #406


An old-fashioned herb with celery flavored stems, leaves and seeds. Leaves are sometimes used to spice up potato or other summer salads. This is a tall, hardy perennial that grows easily at the back of the border or against a fence.

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Additional information

Weight .50 g
Dimensions .125 × 3.25 × 4.5 in

Planting & Harvesting

Seed Depth: 1/2″ (13mm)

Plant Space: 36″ (91cm)

Row Space: 36″ (91cm)

Sprouts In: 10-21 days

Plant in full sun to partial shade in early spring as soon as soil can be worked. Lovage prefers rich moist soil but will survive in most conditions. May be sown indoors 6-8 weeks before last spring frost for transplanting. Keep soil evenly moist and well-weeded while plants are young.

Save the dried seed heads and try a few seeds as a flavoring addition to winter soups and stews.

Additional Information

Botanical Name: Levisticum officinale

Matures In: 90 days

Type: perennial