Lettuce Spicy Salad Mix – Item #671


A custom blend of green and red lettuces with spicy greens like arugula and curly cress. Cut young leaves continuously for all-season harvest.

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Additional information

Weight 5 g
Dimensions 0.25 × 4 × 4.875 in

Planting & Harvesting

Seed Depth: barely cover

Plant Space: 6″ (15cm)

Row Space: 12″ (30cm)

Sprouts In: 7-14 days

Lettuce prefers cool weather. Select a location with full sun or partial shade in hot areas. Sow in early spring or fall/winter in mild climates. Keep soil evenly moist for best growth. Thin regularly – lettuce does not like to be crowded.

Lettuces: Black Seeded Simpson 28%, Salad Bowl Green 17%, Salad Bowl Red 17%, Marvel of Four Seasons 12%, Bibb 11%. Greens: Arugula 7%, Curley Cress 5%, Mizuna 3%.

Additional Information

Botanical Name: Mixed varieties

Matures In: 45-70 days

Attributes: sweet lettuces and spicy greens