Tomato (Pole) Beefsteak – Item #878


The traditional slicing Tomato. Produces an abundant crop of large, meaty red fruit all season long. Perfect for slicing and sandwiches.

SKU: 00000740 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight .30 g
Dimensions .125 × 3.25 × 4.5 in

Planting & Harvesting

Seed Depth: 1/4″ (6mm)

Plant Space: 18-24″ (46-61cm)

Row Space: 24-36″ (61-91cm)

Sprouts In: 7-15 days

Start seeds indoors six to eight weeks before the last spring frost and transplant in late spring after nights have warmed. Sow outdoors in climates with 120 or more frost-free days. Germinates best at 75°F. Plant in a sunny spot. Feed every two weeks with high phosphorous fertilizer.

Indeterminate. Ripen on the vine for best flavor. Vigorous 4-6′ vines require tall, sturdy stakes or trellises.

Additional Information

Botanical Name: Lycopersicon lycopersicum

Matures In: 88 days

Attributes: Classic heirloom slicing tomato