Swiss Chard Rhubarb – Item #890


Featuring crimson stalks and striking red and green crinkled leaves, this member of the beet family is a nutrient powerhouse. One planting in the spring will produce crops from midsummer to fall. Very easy to grow. Delicious when steamed, stir-fried or boiled.

SKU: 00000732 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 3 g
Dimensions .125 × 3.25 × 4.5 in

Planting & Harvesting

Seed Depth: 1/2″ (13mm)

Plant Space: 12″ (30cm)

Row Space: 24″ (61cm)

Sprouts In: 5-15 days

Start seeds outdoors in early spring to summer and again in fall for winter crops in mild areas. Thin plants to 6″. Normal weeding and watering will produce a fine crop.

Snip off outer leaves at the base of the plant as they mature. New leaves will grow back for a continuous supply. The deepest red color will occur during cool weather in late summer and fall.

Additional Information

Botanical Name: Beta vulgaris

Matures In: 60 days

Attributes: Heirloom nutrient powerhouse