Columbine McKana’s Giant Mixed Colors – Item #97


Graceful nodding blossoms with delicate spurs in a range of brilliant colors. Long stems and delicate blue-green foliage make this a favorite cut flower. Perfect for filtered shade and rock gardens. It won an All America Selections award in 1955.

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SKU: 00000047 Categories: , ,

Additional information

Weight .15 g
Dimensions .125 × 3.25 × 4.5 in

Planting & Harvesting

Seed Depth: barely cover

Spacing: 1″ (3cm)

Sprouts In: 10-14 days

Thinning: 12″ (30cm)

Plant in filtered shade to full sun and moist, well-drained soil two weeks before last spring frost up to midsummer. Or start indoors six to eight weeks before last frost. Keep young plants evenly moist.

Columbines will bloom beginning in their second year. Keep flowers cut to extend the season. Plants are short lived and should be replaced every two to three years.

Additional Information

Botanical Name: Aquilegia x hybrida

Height: 2-3′ (61-91cm)

Bloom Period: spring

Type: hardy perennial

Attributes: AAS winner